19 Feb St. Paul Trivia Night 2018
Question: What event was fun, exciting, informative and for a good cause?
Answer: Trivia night at St. Paul Royal Oak!
Members of the congregation and friends gathered together in fellowship on Saturday, February 17th for the annual Trivia Night. The event raised money for the Youth Group and featured 12 teams, one hundred questions and a plethora of tasty snacks. The event was organized by Jim and Chris Schultz, who came up with a wide range of questions from topics such as South Korea, Bible Trivia and most populous cities (did you know Columbus was the most populous city in Ohio? Sorry Cleveland!).
Taking home first place was the Quiz Knows, who scored 94.5 points out of 110 possible.
“It was a really fun event. The questions were broad; easy to hard, and it was great to see the lounge packed with people. I definitely have to congratulate my team because they knew most of the answers, and I did not,” said Tyler Zenk, member of the Quiz Knows.
Overall, everyone had a great time! It’s not too early to start studying up for next year!