
Special Event Tag

Take Heart, Take Action

Church Lounge

Everywhere we go, we go as a witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to be a witness? How can my witness persuade someone to believe? How can I be a witness to people who really don’t seem to care about church...

Easter Egg Hunt

Grant Park Royal Oak

Come and hunt for Easter Eggs at Grant Park in Royal Oak.

South Oakland Shelter Program (SOS)

St. Paul Church

St Paul will again this year be used in co-operation with the South Oakland Shelter program to house homeless from our community. Over the years our school has been a safe night's lodging for many stranded families and individuals. This is our chance to show God's love in action. We...

Preschool Graduation

St. Paul Church

Preschool Graduation during the 10:45 am church service. Reception in the lounge after the service.

School Picnic

St Paul Lutheran School 508 Williams St, Royal Oak, MI

All Day School Picnic

8th Grade Graduation

St Paul Lutheran School 508 Williams St, Royal Oak, MI

8th Grade Graduation starting at 7:00 pm.

Receiving of New Members

St. Paul Church

We will be welcoming the newest members of St. Paul Lutheran Church during the 8:15 am church service. A Welcome Reception to follow in the lounge at 9:30 am.