Spirit Day
It's Spirit Day at St. Paul Lutheran School!
It's Spirit Day at St. Paul Lutheran School!
PTL Meeting at 6:30 pm
Half Day of School and Special Person's Day. 8:00—8:15 a.m. Visitors go to church/ Children go to classrooms 8:30—9:30 a.m. Chapel Service/Choirs 9:30—10:00 a.m. Visitors—Refreshments/Children—Recess 10:00—11:15 a.m. Classroom Time 11:15 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Art Project
Service @ 7pm Give thanks on Thanksgiving Eve for all God has given you! Remember to bring a bag of food to the Altar to help keep our pantry full, so that we may serve those in our community in need.
Come help @ 1pm
Come help us decorate the Church for Christmas!
Potluck @ 6pm Worship @ 7pm
The adult handbell choir will be playing on Washington Street in Downtown Royal Oak @6, 7, and 8pm