Fun Pictures
It's Fun Pictures day at St Paul Lutheran School!
It's Fun Pictures day at St Paul Lutheran School!
Join us for the third Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.
It's the end of the 3rd Quarter.
These are the tentative dates for Achievement Tests.
Join us for the fourth Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.
Sign up to help This year's South Oakland Shelter (SOS) program is will again be hosted collaboratively by both: Royal Oak First United Methodist Church St. Paul Lutheran Church The location for the entire week-long program is will be: St. Paul Lutheran School 202 E. Fifth Street Royal Oak, MI...
Parent Teacher Conferences at St Paul Lutheran School
Join us for the fifth Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.
Due to the SOS Program this week we will be having a combine church service at 10 am. Note: There will not be Bible Class or Sunday School