Lent Service 2
St. Paul Church"I Am the Vine" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. A taco dinner provided by the Youth Group will start before the service at 6 pm.
"I Am the Vine" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. A taco dinner provided by the Youth Group will start before the service at 6 pm.
Everywhere we go, we go as a witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to be a witness? How can my witness persuade someone to believe? How can I be a witness to people who really don’t seem to care about church...
"I Am the Light of the World" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Meatloaf Dinner provided by the Chancel Choir starting at 6 pm.
As part of our Lutheran Schools' Week activities, we generally like to include some type of service/outreach activity for the children. This year we have decided to collect and assemble “Care Packages” for the people who will be staying here during the Easter Week as part of the South Oakland...
"I Am the Gate" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Spaghetti Dinner provided by the Parent Teacher League starts at 6 pm. Tickets sold for the dinner: $5 per person or $20 per family
From 2pm - 4pm St Paul Lutheran School is having an open house and book fair. Come learn more about our school.
Professional Day Only a half day of school today.
6:30 PM in the School Gym The PTL meeting is now the Auction Committee meeting. Anyone who is on the committee or interested in helping out in any way with the auction, childcare or may have questions is encouraged to attend.
9 am Start time!
"Before Abraham was I Am" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Swedish Meatball Dinner provided by the Board of Elders starting at 6 pm.