Lent Service 6
St. Paul Church"I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Soup Dinner provided by the Education, Stewardship, and Evangelism Boards starting at 6 pm.
"I Am the Way the Truth and the Life" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Soup Dinner provided by the Education, Stewardship, and Evangelism Boards starting at 6 pm.
Come join us for Pizza, Dancing, and Fun starting at 6:30 pm. ALL Church and School families are welcome to come enjoy the dance in the School Gym. This is a FREE event!
Service Times: 8:15 am 10:45 am
"I Am the Bread of Life" Maundy Thursday service begins at 7 pm.
Half day this Friday before Easter break begins.
Jesus' last words from the cross Service Time: 12:00 pm - 3:oo pm
"It is finished" Service starts at 7 pm
Come and hunt for Easter Eggs at Grant Park in Royal Oak.
St Paul will again this year be used in co-operation with the South Oakland Shelter program to house homeless from our community. Over the years our school has been a safe night's lodging for many stranded families and individuals. This is our chance to show God's love in action. We...
I Am the Resurrection and the Life Services Times: Sunrise Service 6:30 am Early Service 8:15 am Late Service 10:45 am