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Lent Service 6

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Way the Truth and the Life"   Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Soup Dinner provided by the Education, Stewardship, and Evangelism Boards starting at 6 pm.

Family Dance

St Paul Lutheran School 508 Williams St, Royal Oak, MI

Come join us for Pizza, Dancing, and Fun starting at 6:30 pm. ALL Church and School families are welcome to come enjoy the dance in the School Gym. This is a FREE event!

Palm Sunday

St. Paul Church

Service Times: 8:15 am 10:45 am

Maundy Thursday Service

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Bread of Life" Maundy Thursday service begins at 7 pm.

Good Friday – Tre Ore

St. Paul Church

Jesus' last words from the cross Service Time: 12:00 pm - 3:oo pm

Easter Egg Hunt

Grant Park Royal Oak

Come and hunt for Easter Eggs at Grant Park in Royal Oak.

South Oakland Shelter Program (SOS)

St. Paul Church

St Paul will again this year be used in co-operation with the South Oakland Shelter program to house homeless from our community. Over the years our school has been a safe night's lodging for many stranded families and individuals. This is our chance to show God's love in action. We...

Easter Services

St. Paul Church

I Am the Resurrection and the Life Services Times: Sunrise Service 6:30 am Early Service 8:15 am Late Service 10:45 am