

Advent Potluck Dinner

Church Lounge

Join us for a pot luck dinner hosted by the Women's Guild at 6:00pm. Bring a dish to share as we celebrate the beginning of the Advent season.

Advent 1 Worship Service

St. Paul Church

lThe first of our three mid-week Advent services. 7:00pm.

Ash Wednesday Service

St. Paul Church

Ash Wednesday Service starts at 7 pm Potluck dinner before the services begins at 6 pm

Lent Service 2

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Vine" Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. A taco dinner provided by the Youth Group will start before the service at 6 pm.

Take Heart, Take Action

Church Lounge

Everywhere we go, we go as a witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to be a witness? How can my witness persuade someone to believe? How can I be a witness to people who really don’t seem to care about church...

Lent Service 3

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Light of the World"   Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Meatloaf Dinner provided by the Chancel Choir starting at 6 pm.

Lent Service 4

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Gate"   Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Spaghetti Dinner provided by the Parent Teacher League starts at 6 pm. Tickets sold for the dinner: $5 per person or $20 per family

Lent Service 5

St. Paul Church

"Before Abraham was I Am"   Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Swedish Meatball Dinner provided by the Board of Elders starting at 6 pm.

Lent Service 6

St. Paul Church

"I Am the Way the Truth and the Life"   Mid-Week Lenten service begins at 7 pm. Soup Dinner provided by the Education, Stewardship, and Evangelism Boards starting at 6 pm.

Family Dance

St Paul Lutheran School 508 Williams St, Royal Oak, MI

Come join us for Pizza, Dancing, and Fun starting at 6:30 pm. ALL Church and School families are welcome to come enjoy the dance in the School Gym. This is a FREE event!