

Lutheran High Northwest Open House

6:30 –8:30 pm All interested families are invited to learn more about Lutheran High Northwest. Acclaimed Academics, Awesome Athletics, Amazing Fine Arts, Active Student Life and Leadership, and above all—a Caring, Christ-Centered Family! Even if your child is only in Kindergarten, it is not too early to begin thinking about...

Quiz Night @ 7 pm

Church Lounge

Get your teams ready and join us in the church lounge. The cost is $10 per person. Sign up is in the church lobby. If you do not have a team, you can sign up under “I need a team” section and we will place you at a table. You...

Bowling Fundraiser @ 11 am

11:00 am to 1:00 pm Join us for a Bowling Fundraiser to help support our youth going to the National Youth Gathering. Cost is $20 per person - Kids 12 and younger - $12. Link to sign up is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F044AA9A82BA4FC1-stpaul

2nd Lenten Service @ 7 PM

Join us for the second Lenten service at 7 pm. The meal before the service starts at 6 pm.

3rd Lenten Service @ 7 PM

Join us for the third Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.

4th Lenten Service @ 7 PM

Join us for the fourth Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.

SOS – South Oakland Shelter

Sign up to help This year's South Oakland Shelter (SOS) program is will again be hosted collaboratively by both: Royal Oak First United Methodist Church St. Paul Lutheran Church The location for the entire week-long program is will be: St. Paul Lutheran School 202 E. Fifth Street Royal Oak, MI...

5th Lenten Service @ 7 PM

Join us for the fifth Lenten service starting at 7 pm. Dinner before the service starts at 6 pm.